
My name is Jamie D. McGraner. I am a Full Stack Developer who recently enrolled at The Ohio State University College of engineering for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. I am very passionate about tackling challenging problems and discovering creative solutions. I am motivated by my curiosity and the endless opportunities the tech industry has to offer. I was drawn to software engineering because of the ever evolving nature of the coding world. I strive to continuously increase my skillset. I am results driven and people oriented. In my spare time I enjoy playing roller derby for Denver Roller Derby, paddle boarding, traveling, yoga and concerts. If you want to connect about any of my passions and experiences feel free to contact me.


  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • HTML5
  • SQL
  • Flask
  • CSS
  • React
  • AI/ML

Projects & Resume

Here are some of my favorite projects and my resume.


Work history and contact information.

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Mood Board

Full stack project using React, Javascript, Python, Flask and PostgreSQL.

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SMS Spam Detector

The SMS Spam Detector project involves creating a machine learning model to classify SMS text messages as spam or not spam. The project uses a pipeline with TF-IDF vectorization and Linear Support Vector Classification (SVC). The model is then hosted on a Gradio interface, allowing users to input SMS messages and receive predictions.

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Housing Prices Predictor

This project aims to analyze the Ames Housing dataset to predict house prices using various regression models and to forecast future trends using the Facebook Prophet model. The project involves data preprocessing, exploratory data analysis (EDA), model training and evaluation, hyperparameter tuning, and time series forecasting.

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Crypto Clustering

This project involves clustering cryptocurrencies based on their market data using K-Means clustering and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The goal is to group similar cryptocurrencies together based on their price change percfentages over different time periods.

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